Still Waters Farm

When a horse comes to Still Waters for training it receives a complete kindergarten through college education.  Whether they are totally unbroke and come to get started, or they have a behavioral or strange unsoundness issue the beginning steps are very similar.  They first must learn to think, not react, and they must stand.  Being able to calmly stand is the key to success for most horses.  JR works on the horse’s brain, while Kathy works on their body through straightening exercises.  Though JR and Kathy’s training techniques are quite different, when blended together the results are amazing and long lasting.

JR’s breaking program is much more than putting the saddle on and riding.  He teaches each horse to trust and focus completely on the person riding or handling them.  As they progress the horse’s natural fight, flight and herd instincts fade away.

Along with starting young horses here are just a few other issues we work with at Still Waters:

  • Bucking
  • Rearing
  • Balking
  • Bolting
  • Hard to mount
  • Nervous around other horses
  • Bad ground manners
  • Won’t Trailer load
  • Un-diagnosable unsoundness
  • Ducking/Stopping at jumps
  • Swapping leads
  • Lead change problems